Monday, April 14, 2014


Sometimes life can be a roller coaster. It can have its ups and it can it can have its downs. You may slowly and steadily creep up to a happy point only to be taken of your feet and dropped into an abyss. Sometimes life can be an ocean, with waves of dismay and defeat wiping you into the sea to drown. Sometimes life can be a storm, with hail, sleet, even snow pushing you down to the ground. But for some life isn't so hard, life is a tree. Your negativity is it's leaves on an autumn day, falling to the ground as you stay safely up in its heights. Life is more described as if you were a salmon, swimming against the current and against all odds. Or, maybe, you are a swan letting the current take you wherever it will, and you just play along. Sometimes life is what it is so don't fret if you fail because, if at first you don't succeed try and try again. Remember, confidence is the battery that fuels your destiny.

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