Wednesday, June 25, 2014


So, I was sitting in front of my keyboard piano, when I realized that I am, potentially, a great pianist. Potentially, I'm using in the extreme of forms meaning that all of the notes are right before me, one under each key and all I have to do is put some of them together in an order that's pleasing to the ear. I mean who decides what great sounding music is these days. It's all different and varied. How is one to know what's a masterpiece and what's ridiculous? So every one, sitting in front of a piano is potentially a great pianist. Everything is right in front of them to help them succeed. Similarly, a writer (as I am) is just as much a potential great writer when a blank paper and pencil is in front of them. That's inspiration in it's purest!

Monday, June 2, 2014


If you like them, you like all that they stand for
If you love them, love like it's a sport
If you hate them, hate their forefathers, too
So, live with them and and they will live with you


I can do some art, some writing and some other things, but just some. I wish I could do more, you know practice makes perfect. For me practice makes some...

Monday, April 14, 2014


Sometimes life can be a roller coaster. It can have its ups and it can it can have its downs. You may slowly and steadily creep up to a happy point only to be taken of your feet and dropped into an abyss. Sometimes life can be an ocean, with waves of dismay and defeat wiping you into the sea to drown. Sometimes life can be a storm, with hail, sleet, even snow pushing you down to the ground. But for some life isn't so hard, life is a tree. Your negativity is it's leaves on an autumn day, falling to the ground as you stay safely up in its heights. Life is more described as if you were a salmon, swimming against the current and against all odds. Or, maybe, you are a swan letting the current take you wherever it will, and you just play along. Sometimes life is what it is so don't fret if you fail because, if at first you don't succeed try and try again. Remember, confidence is the battery that fuels your destiny.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Sometimes, I just like to listen. I like to perceive the things you say in slow motion. I could see the words trickling down your chin and spit out into the air, crisp as it is, and sort of float in midsentence. I could then taste your words as if they were snowflakes, melting as they arrive, freshly, on the tip.



Ah, what a beautiful view
The trees are old but the day was new
The bark knows as it protects
Their bodies are very fragile
The dew is what the leaves collect
A process that's very gradual
Their branches, like limbs
Sway back and forth
Flowing with the wind
As the breeze lets them soar
They are the trees
Mounted to the ground
They bend with ease
A most fulfilling sound


White sleeves; white collar
Black jeans; black wallet

You need a remedy like I need a disease
Incessantly rocking in and out of ease

But your not, so just stop
So just stop the madness

There are no shades of grey here
And no one's gonna let you stay here

There's a genie in a lamp but I can't find it
An elephant in the room but I deny it

I'd pull out my sword but the pen's more mighty
No tragic words could be so exciting

I gave you a clue to stay out of my lane
Now you're  playin' with fire when you play my game

You-so wrong and so useless
You stick like a knife, you feel like a nuisance
So tempt me again and I become ruthless
You think you're so slick,  but you are just stupid

Just stupid enough to cause me to care
So I look back but you are not there

Where are you?
Are you still in my field of mind?
If not then, I'm free from these binds...


For your thoughts...
How can you look into my eyes,
And see the pain that broke our lives,
How can you feel the ropes and chains,
That keep me not alone,
Look into windows through my mind,
Yet you never understand,
Elope to mountains in my soul,
And behold none but the grand,
Wade into my,
Oceans of mist,
Wondering why,
Everything hits the floor,
Can I get another day,
Can I feel another season,
Can you see things my way,
Can you see into my reason,
Can you spare a dime,
Can you spare piece of mind,
So long,
Is it the final time,
And is it such a crime,
To feed them


The clock, as it ticks, as it tocks, as it turns
The pendulum swings and again the walls burn

The second hand moves as swift and so silent
The faint sound clicks and tortures the mindless

The gears moving, interlacing within
In the tall wooden frame, it continues to spin

The neck of the flames reach up to the top
The embers, untamed, refuse to be stopped

The fire unleashes, its wrath soon unlocked
Thus concludes the terror of the grandfather clock

Friday, April 4, 2014