Sunday, August 23, 2015

feline mindfulness by JRC

she, alert and alive, waited patiently, persistantly, curious as to what this life entails. her ample vigor allows her to, quietly, stalk her prey and yet, at the precise moment, pounce. the predator, she was agile, elite but still beautiful. she was as beautiful as her sleek and silky fur coat warranted. independant, she was respectful as her mother raised her but not bashful enough to resist sinking her claws into supper while her sharp and piercing teeth would follow. even with her brothers and sisters, she would allow them preview her playful bite as they would all wrestle, each one ready to tackle upon reflex. however, one day, she will be separated and become a blooming family's housewarming guest. (5-26-15 jrc)

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