Wednesday, June 25, 2014


So, I was sitting in front of my keyboard piano, when I realized that I am, potentially, a great pianist. Potentially, I'm using in the extreme of forms meaning that all of the notes are right before me, one under each key and all I have to do is put some of them together in an order that's pleasing to the ear. I mean who decides what great sounding music is these days. It's all different and varied. How is one to know what's a masterpiece and what's ridiculous? So every one, sitting in front of a piano is potentially a great pianist. Everything is right in front of them to help them succeed. Similarly, a writer (as I am) is just as much a potential great writer when a blank paper and pencil is in front of them. That's inspiration in it's purest!

Monday, June 2, 2014


If you like them, you like all that they stand for
If you love them, love like it's a sport
If you hate them, hate their forefathers, too
So, live with them and and they will live with you


I can do some art, some writing and some other things, but just some. I wish I could do more, you know practice makes perfect. For me practice makes some...